Engineering development process

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Each product or machine development project will vary slightly depending upon client expectations, product nature, and desired deliverables. Below is a general outline of our product design and engineering development process how we bring concept to reality.

1. Objectives

Reviewing your ideas to develop and further refine our understanding of your innovations and specifications is the first step in the engineering development process.

2. Engineering Proposal

The proposal is specific to your project and will be outlined by phases. The proposal will clearly show the requirements for transitioning your project from idea to reality.

3. Brainstorm Conceptual Design

We brainstorm conceptual designs with you to engineer for form, fit, and function. Your product idea and our engineering experience yields innovative designs that often strengthen your intellectual property.


Manufacturing processes will be addressed to ensure the product will be designed for manufacturability and cost effective production.

4. Engineering Design

The brainstormed conceptual design will be engineered using state-of-the-art SolidWorks 3D CAD (Computer Aid Design) design software. This enables us to visualize the product in detail and make quick design modifications. 


3D CAD eliminates the cost of creating physical design iteration mock-ups, reducing development time and cost.

5. Prototypes

A proof-of-design accurate functional prototype of the product is produced using the most economical means available. Standard off-the-shelf components and hardware are used when possible with custom components fabricated using rapid prototyping technology, CNC machining, stamping, forming, or a combination thereof.


A functional prototype allows you and the engineer to validate the design saving time and cost if modifications are required prior to entering into production. The prototype can also be used for consumer or market testing, customer or investor presentations, sales or catalog photographs, etc.

6. Design Refinement

Performance testing and validation of the functional prototype occasionally drive final design improvements and modifications prior to releasing the design for manufacturing. Slight changes might be required to reduce tooling and/or high volume manufacturing cost as determined by the client. Design modifications are completed with all documentation being revision controlled to explicitly show product or machine development evolution.

7. Intellectual Property Protection

Your new product is now at the stage where it can best be presented to a patent attorney assuming patenting the idea or product is desired. The patent attorney can appreciate the novel and unique features of the product by reviewing the engineered product design, 3D renderings, documentation, and physical prototype.


FRAITAG ENGINEERING has strict documentation procedures to assist and support you during the patent process. All notes, emails, rough sketches, etc. are recorded and dated. All designs, 3d models, detailed drawings, etc. are revision controlled to explicitly prove your development process and validate your idea originality.


Occasionally provisional patent applications are filed prior to this stage and refined once the final design is completed and functional prototypes are produced and validated.

8. Documentation Package

Complete documentation packages include (but not limited to) product or machine overview description, 3D CAD files, detailed dimensioned drawings, specifications, schematics, bill of materials (BOM), assembly drawings and procedures, prototype pictures, and any beneficial product development support data.

9. Production Manufacturing

Fraitag Engineering offers clients partnerships with select high quality approved domestic and offshore manufacturers to assist in production manufacturing. Tooling and individual components can be manufactured for your internal assembly operation or products can be fully assembled, packed, imported, and ready for market.

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